You’re Invited!

3155 Jiles Rd.
Kennesaw, GA 30144
Service Time: 10:30AM

Experience Easter Sunday at HighPoint Church with an encouraging message of hope and a powerful time of worship on Sunday, April 20. Service begins at 10:30AM followed by an Easter Egg Hunt right after service!

Details For Easter Sunday

Are you in need of hope? Encouragement? Then come be part of Easter Sunday! The message of Jesus and his resurrection may be 2,000 years old but it still has the power to change everything.

  • Dress is casual, but you’re welcome to wear your Easter best!
  • The Easter egg hunt begins immediately following service.
  • Coffee provided before service.
  • Photo wall available for family pictures.
  • Service begins at 10:30AM.

What is Easter all about?

Easter is the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. It is the central event of the Christian faith, marking the victory of Jesus over sin and death. According to the Bible, Jesus was crucified on a Friday (Good Friday) and buried in a tomb, but on the third day (Sunday), He rose again. Because of Jesus we have the hope of eternal life!

Easter is about new life, hope, and redemption. We are reminded that no matter how dark things seem, God brings LIFE spiritually and in our everyday lives. That’s why we celebrate with joy and worship.

Want to get an idea of what service is like?

Listen to a recent sermon!